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Time Under Tension
Time Under Tension Workouts
Many guys are in a rush to get through their workout sets, working quickly to finish each group of reps. However, blitzing through your sets is not always the best idea. That’s because you will miss out from the benefits of time under tension if you go too quickly through the set.
Some top trainers point out that time under load is the key factor for building muscle. That is, of all the input elements, it is time under tension that is best for forcing the muscles to grow bigger.
How do you attain time under load? There are a couple of ways – performing more repetitions, or making each rep last longer. Most guys work with a 8-10 rep range. To fire up the time under tension principle, double that rep range and watch what happens to your muscles. They will take off with more size.
The other option is to slow the reps down. That is, perform the same amount of reps as typical (8-10) but perform them with a slower pace.
One great way to slow the pace is to perform the repetition on the positive side of the rep at the same speed as normal, but to slow the return (negative) side of the rep down by half, a technique employed by the legendary Steve Reeves. Doing this will add significantly to the time under load and give your muscles a super burn.
Try a cycle of either more reps or slower reps in your training and give the time under tension principle a go in your workouts. If you find the results to be super favorable you may consider making this unique approach one of your more frequent training cycles.
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Disclaimer: This information is for entertainment purposes only. We strongly recommend that you consult a physician before beginning any exercise program. is not a licensed medical care provider. The reader should understand that participating in any exercise program can result in physical injury and agrees to do so at his own risk. The findings and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of