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Testosterone Training

Does Weight Training Increase Testosterone Levels?

Many guys search for various supplements to bump up their testosterone production but overlook one simple tool – weight training. Weight training itself can be used to strongly elevate testosterone and growth hormone activity in the body. And even more exciting, it is all done naturally, without the negative side effects that come with chemical manipulation of testosterone.

Weight lifting can boost your testosterone levels, but not all weight lifting does this in a significant manner. In fact standard weight lifting is not effective as one unique style. That style is explosive training. Explosive training can switch on the body’s growth hormone release mechanism effectively.

Explosive training works the high end fast twitch muscles, which in turn makes the body’s own growth hormone go to work. Research has also found that using exercises that rely on moving critical mass through space stirs up the body’s testosterone release strongly. The exercises that do that are hard core movements like the squat, deadlift and power clean.

If you want to naturally release both growth hormone and testosterone in your body, then you want to focus on explosive weightlifting movements (Olympic style lifts) and moving critical mass with weightloads.

One interesting side factor is sprinting – sprinting also has a similar effect on the body when the sprints are performed in interval fashion.

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