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Olympic Lifting
Olympic Weight Lifting
Here is a great workout program using Olympic lifts.
Workout A
Power & Squat Clean* (3x3, 2x2)
Front Squat and Push Press* (2x5, 1x4, 1x3)
Front Squat - 5x5
Chin-ups - 2x6
Push Press (Clean Grip) - 3x5
Stiff-Legged Deadlift - 1x15
Workout B
Power & Squat Snatch* (3x3, 2x2)
Overhead Squat (2x5, 1x4, 1x3, 3x2)
Behind-The-Neck Press (Snatch Grip) (3x5)
Deadlift (3x3 Snatch Grip, 3x3 Clean Grip)
Bench Press (1x10, 1x7, 1x5, 1x3)
Workout C
Jerk (3x3, 2x2)
Back Squat (1x10, 1x7, 3x5)
Good Mornings (3x5)
Dumbbell Shrugs (3x5)
* Combination Exercises.
A set of 3 Power & Squat Cleans = Power Clean, Power Clean, Squat Clean
A set of 2 P&SC = Power Clean,Squat Clean
A set of 5 Front Squat and PushPress = 5 Front Squats, followed by a single PP
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