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Instinctive Training

Instinctive Training Principle

All professional bodybuilders know about training instinctively as it comes from years of practice. It starts with the very first workout that you do as you start to learn about how your body response to lifting a weight. This "communication" that you get from your body is just like when you get thirsty or hungry.

Your body is letting you know what it needs, but when it comes to training and selecting the movement and the sets and reps that you do, it can take years of practice. Knowing the difference and how a certain exercise feels when you do it as well as 48 hours later takes time and often a training journal to record the results of workouts.

You should be asking yourself questions like do pull-ups or chin-ups work best when targeting your back and when you change your grip does it change the movement for you. There are countless ways that your body is responding to the training that you are doing. The ability to get in tune with these countless messages that are coming in from your body is the key to instinctive training.

Joe Weider who invented the term instinctive training says that The Instinctive Training Principal (ITP) is a lot more than just changing or sticking to the sets and reps that you were going to do for a workout. According it Joe it needs to include all of the various messages coming into your body as mentioned above.

For example when you eat food and you "talk" to your body in order to make sure that what you are eating is what your body wants. A successful bodybuilder is someone that learns to read his/her body correctly so that the required adjustments can be made.

A good example is doing a split routine where you train the same body-part twice in a week. If you were feeling very strong on Monday and Tuesday and you really pushed hard you will feel sore on your rest day, which might continue to the day that you need to hit the sore body-part.

If you are listening to your body you will know how much to push so that you do not get to the point of overtraining. If you do not know then it is your duty to investigate all the possible options available so that you can discover exactly how much training you should do when you are still sore.

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Disclaimer: This information is for entertainment purposes only. We strongly recommend that you consult a physician before beginning any exercise program. MuscleNet.com is not a licensed medical care provider. The reader should understand that participating in any exercise program can result in physical injury and agrees to do so at his own risk. The findings and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of MuscleNet.com.