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Hardgainer Grocery List

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About to hit the supermarket for your week's meals? If you're a skinny hardgainer, you should know, if you already do not, that diet is one of the most important things to consider when it comes to weight and muscle gain. Without enough calories and good nutrition, you will never get any bigger and as a hardgainer, you absolutely have to eat foods that are dense with calories which will make meeting your nutritional goals a hell of a lot easier. So before you head out, take a read on what foods hardgainers especially must grab at the grocery store.

Dry Oatmeal

A very healthy and calorie dense food that can be easily eaten any time for those extra calories. Throw on some protein powder for more protein or blue berries for antioxidents and flavor, oatmeal works great with many different add-ons, so be creative!


Nuts are loaded with calories and healthy fats that are perfect for anyone trying to pack on some pounds. They are easy to eat and require no preparation at all - just have them lying around and munch on them whenever you can. I know a lot of people may be turned off by the fat, but the fats that come from nuts are good fats that actually help boosts your testosterone level. However, be aware of the sodium and get lightly salted nuts, if you do get salted at all.


Whole-Wheat pasta is a must for a hardgainer's grocery list because it is the easy to cook, delicious, and packed with nutrients and carbs to fuel your body. It is a staple meal for many hardgainers I know simply because it is healthy and anyone can make it for an awesome dinner.


Simply put, it is already quite well known that eggs are a bodybuilder and weight lifter's best friend and theres absolutely every reason so. Eggs are packed with the best kind of protein to feed your muscles quickly and it can be easily dumped into hot dish or added into any meal for extra protein.

Chicken and Red Meat

How can you gain muscle weight without eating meat? These provide quality protein and calories to feed your muscle. If you have to question if you need to eat chicken and red meat, then you don't want to gain badly enough.


Milk is perfect for good, nutritious and easy extra calories as you can simply drink it on top of any meal or use it to create weight gain shakes. Skip the low fat or skim milk and go straight for the whole milk as the fat in the milk helps boost your testosterone levels.

Olive Oil

These are a great source of healthy fats that are used in almost every aspect of a meal - you can sprinkle it on top of your salads or use it on your pan when cooking your meats. Don't leave the grocery store without a bottle.


Bagels are extremely calorie dense and they are easy to take around if you're a busy person. Simply put, eating 3 of these a day will already pack on an additional thousand calories. Try to stick with whole-grain bagels as they provide more nutritious calories.


This is one of the most calorie-dense fishes out there, is a quality source of protein and are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids which are crucial for muscle gain.

Protein / Meal Replacement Bars

You should always have a bunch of these lying around the house as you may never know when you'll need it. Sometimes I might have errands to run that'll last me hours and I can quickly grab a meal replacement bar to bring with me so my body won't be starved of nutrition.

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