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Gustavo Badell Bodybuilder
Gustavo Badell Biography
By Zach Bashore Gustavo Badell was born on November 3, 1972 in Venezuela. He currently resides in Puerto Rico with his wife and two kids. Gustavo stands only 5'8" but weighs in on stage at a ripped 240 pounds. Of course, Gustavo must do a clean bulk prior to a contest where his weight can get as high as 270 pounds. He still keeps a low bodyfat during his pre-contest bulk, which is why Gustavo can easily switch from off-season to pre-contest mode very easily.
At the age of 15, Gustavo was actively involved with contact sports such as boxing and kickboxing. Two years later he started becoming involved with amateur boxing but was too skinny make a name for himself. His trainer suggested that he should start weight lifting to put on weight, and he then followed the rigors of an intense workout. After noticing his great genetics, and arms that were almost too big for his body, his fellow gym members suggested that he should get into bodybuilding. Gustavo never thought twice!
Gustavo`s bodybuilding career started slowly, but once he found a better rythm for himself, he has become one of the better pro bodybuilders in the IFBB. The following contest results of Gustavo Badell proves this:
1997 World Amateur Championships-10th
1998 Grand Prix Germany-9th
1999 Grand Prix England-17th
1999 Night of Champions-Did Not Place
1999 World Pro Championships-14th
2000 Ironman Pro-18th
2000 Night of Champions Did Not Place
2000 Toronto Pro -Did Not Place
2000 World Pro Championships -11th
2001 Grand Prix England Did Not Place
2001 Ironman Pro Invitational -16th
2001 San Francisco Pro Invitational-11th
2002 Ironman Pro Invitational -13th
2002 Night of Champions-10th
2002 Mr. Olympia-24th
2002 Southwest Pro Cup-6th
2002 Toronto Pro Invitational-3rd
2004 Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic-7th
2004 Ironman Pro Invitational-3rd
2004 San Francisco Pro Invitational-4th
2004 Show of Strength Pro Championship-3rd
2004 Mr. Olympia-3rd
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