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Bodybuilding Diet Chart

Bodybuilding Diet Chart For Beginners

Unfortunately there is no simple diet chart that all beginners could follow to make sure that they are guaranteed results from hard workouts. However there are certain basic rules that need to be followed in order to put yourself in the best position to get the maximum gain from your intense workouts.

If we were to create a diet template that could be applied to everyone who trains with weights it would need to firstly cover the basic macronutrient ingredients needed along with the required fruits and vegetables as well as drinking plenty of water every day.

Below is a list of basics that you can use to create this template for yourself and how to work out the specific measurement that apply to you. The first thing that needs to be done is to calculate your own specific calorie requirements that you need every day.

Step 1. Estimate Your BMR:

Use the following formula:

370 + (21.6 X lean body mass in kg) or

370 + (9.8 X lean body mass in lbs)

As an example we will say that you weigh 200 pounds and that you have a body-fat of 10%, this would mean that you would have a lean body mass of 180 lbs (which is 200 - 10%). This means 2134 calories is your "BMR". You then need to calculate the amount of activity that you do on an average day.

Step 2. Activity Factor:

You then take the figure you got for your BMR and multiply using the following formula:

Sedentary (desk job, with little or no exercise) = BMR X 1.2

Lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) = BMR X 1.375

Moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) = BMR X 1.55

Very active (intensive exercise/sports 6-7 days/week) = BMR X 1.725

Extremely active (intensive daily exercise/sports & physical job or twice per day) = BMR X 1.9

If we continue using the above example and say that you exercise 6 times per week, you will get 2134 X 1.725 = 3681 Step 3. You then need to subtract 15%:

3681 - 15% = 3129 (3681 X .15 = 552 & 3681 - 552 = 3129)

This is now your starting calorie intake.

Please note that all these macronutrient ratios are only a guideline, and are definitely not set in stone. It is much more important to consider your timing and when you eat and train than any of these overall ratios. You should aim to get 30-50% of your calories from carbs, with most of those eaten 0-6 hours after your workout. 30-40% of your calories should come from mostly lean sources of protein. 20-30% of your calories should come from good fats.

A Basic Diet Template:

Divide your protein intake up roughly between each of your meals.

About 2/3-3/4 of your carbs should be eaten PWO (post workout) with your breakfast being about 15% of your total caloric intake and look something like this: 1/3 of starchy carbohydrates (oatmeal, whole wheat bread, etc.) 2/3 of protein (eggs, milk, lean meat) Small portion (1 spoonful) of good fats (fish oil, olive oil, nuts, etc.)

The rest of the meals during your day should be your choice of fruits & or vegetables from the list plus lots of Water or Green Tea. You should try to get a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day and try to eat at least 6 times during your day as you learn to eat less but more often.

For more great bodybuilding diet information checkout the Muscle Cookbook

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