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Arnold Schwarzenegger Diet
Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding Diet
Arnold has always believed in eating unprocessed whole foods which he insists are easier for your body to digest and will give you faster gains as a result. In his books Arnold has always insisted that gaining muscle is based on four solid principals and none can be weak or defective.
These four principals on which he bases his bodybuilding success on firstly the correct training routine for your body-type, secondly using the correct technique or form, Thirdly your diet or daily nutrition and lastly your mental approach and your general attitude to your weight training that you do.
Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was competing always ate small amounts of protein every 3 hours, which is what he recommends. He says in his book that eating every 3 or 4 hours will require about 25-30 grams of good quality protein.
Arnold also believed in mixing it all up and to give himself a heavy calorie meal, which he would then follow with a light calorie meal, which he would change depending on when his next bodybuilding competition was being held. Arnold would always make sure that he only ate whole eggs, meat and a large amount of milk.
Arnold's daily diet used to always contain at least one protein shake but it would usually be two as he would have one before and one after his workout. Arnold used to insist that getting at least 8 hours of good quality sleep is vitally important if you want to avoid over-training.
In fact he insisted that the only way to make sure that you are not going to be over-training is to do a four day split and to only train 4 times a week and train as hard as he could. It is important to note here that Arnold would get his protein from a variety of sources and he would often use beef and pork as a substitute for fish and chicken.
You could easily create a good diet by following these basic principals and to make sure that you are eating protein, carbs and good quality fat with each meal that you eat. Drinking plenty of water is also important to make sure that your body is able to handle the extra stress that you put on it.
For more great bodybuilding diet information checkout the Muscle Cookbook
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